Daftar Resolusi dan Keputusan pada sidang akbar WHA ke 64 tahun 2011 di Jenewa adalah sebagai berikut:
A. Resolusi:
1. Working towards the reduction of perinatal and neonatal mortality
2. Draft global health sector strategy on HIV, 2011-2015
3. Cholera: mechanism for control and prevention
4. Eradication of drancunculiasis
5. Malaria
6. Pandemic Influenza preparedness: sharing of influenza viruses and access to vaccines and other benefits
7. Child injury prevention
8. Youth and health risks
9. Health workforce strengthening
10. Strengthening nursing and midwifery
11. Strengthening national policy dialogue to build more robust heallth policies, strategies and plans
12. Sustainable health financing structures and universal coverage
13. Strengthening national health emergency and disaster management capacities and resilience of health system
14. Drinking water, sanitation and health
15. Preparation for the high level meeting of the United Nation General Assembly on the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases, following on the Moscow Conference
16. WHO’s role in the follow up to the United Nations Hing Level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on the Millenium Development Goals (New York, September 2010)
17. Unaudited interim financial report on the accounts of WHO for the year 2010
18. Status of collection of assesed contributions, including member states in arrears in the payment of their contributions to an extent that would justify invoking article 7 of the constitution
19. Special arrangement for settelement of arrears: Ukraine
20. Scale of assessment for 2012-2013
21. Amendment to the financial regulations
22. Appointment of the external auditor
23. Salaries of staff in ungraded posts and of the Dierctor General
24. International agency for research on cancer: amendments to statute
B. Keputusan
1. Substandard/spurious/falsely-labelled/falsified/counterfeit medical products
2. Appointment of representatives to WHO staff pension committee
3. Smallpox: destruction of variola virus stocks
Indonesia berpartisipasi aktif di semua sidang ini dan menyampaikan berbagai intervensi penting.
Prof dr Tjandra Yoga Aditama
Direktur Jenderal Pengendalian Penyakit dan Penyehatan Lingkungan (P2PL)
Kementerian Kesehatan RI