Jakarta, 16 Maret 2020
Seiring mewabahnya virus Corona atau Covid-19 ke ratusan negara, Pemerintah menerbitkan Protokol Kesehatan. Protokol tersebut akan dilaksanakan di seluruh Indonesia oleh pemerintah dengan dipandu secara terpusat oleh Kementerian Kesehatan.
Protokol disusun melibatkan seluruh kementerian dan lembaga pemerintahan. Jadi dalam hal ini Kemenkes tidak bekerja sendiri. Protokol merupakan perwujudan dari pemerintah hadir dan siap menghadapi Covid-19.
Berikut protokolnya :
1. Jika Anda merasa tidak sehat dengan kriteria:
a. Demam lebih dari 38°C; dan
b. Batuk/ pilek/nyeri tenggorokan,
istirahatlah yang cukup di rumah dan minum air yang cukup. Bila tetap merasa tidak nyaman, keluhan berlanjut, atau disertai dengan kesulitan bernapas (sesak atau napas cepat), segera memeriksakan diri ke fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan (fasyankes).
Pada saat berobat ke fasyankes, Anda harus lakukan tindakan berikut:
a. Gunakan masker.
b. Apabila tidak memiliki masker, ikuti etika batuk/bersin yang benar
dengan cara menutup mulut dan hidung dengan tisu atau lengan
atas bagian dalam.
c. Usahakan tidak menggunakan transportasi massal.
2. kesehatan (nakes) di fasyankes akan melakukan screening pasien dalam pengawasan COVID-19:
a. Jika memenuhi kriteria pasien dalam pengawasan COVID-19,
maka Anda akan dirujuk ke salah satu rumah sakit (RS) rujukan.
b. Jika tidak memenuhi kriteria pasien dalam pengawasan COVID-19, maka Anda akan dirawat inap atau rawat jalan tergantung
diagnosa dan keputusan dokter fasyankes.
3. Jika akan diantar ke RS rujukan menggunakan ambulans fasyankes didampingi oleh nakes yang menggunakan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD).
4. Di RS rujukan, bagi anda yang memenuhi kriteria pasien dalam pengawasan COVID-19 akan dilakukan pengambilan spesimen untuk pemeriksaan laboratorium dan dirawat di ruang isolasi.
5. Spesimen akan dikirim ke Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan (Balitbangkes) Jakarta.
Hasil pemeriksaan pertama akan keluar dalam waktu 1 x 24 jam setelah spesimen diterima.
a. Jika hasilnya positif :
I. maka Anda akan dinyatakan sebagai kasus konfirmasi COVID-19.
II. Sampel akan diambil setiap hari.
III. Anda akan dikeluarkan dari ruang isolasi jika pemeriksaan sampel 2 (dua) kali berturut-turut hasilnya negatif.
b. Jika hasilnya negatif,
Anda akan dirawat sesuai dengan penyebab penyakit.
Jika Anda sehat, namun:
1. Ada riwayat perjalanan 14 hari yang lalu ke negara dengan transmisi
lokal COVID-19, lakukan self monitoring melalui pemeriksaan suhu tubuh 2 kali. Jika muncul demam lebih dari 38°C atau gejala pernapasan seperti batuk/ pilek/nyeri tenggorokan/sesak napas segeralah periksakan diri Anda ke fasyankes.
2. Merasa pernah kontak dengan kasus konfirmasi COVID-19, segeralah melapor ke petugas kesehatan dan periksakan diri Anda ke fasyankes. Untuk selanjutnya, Anda akan diperiksa spesimennya.
Protokol Kesehatan ini berdasarkan Surat Edaran Menteri Kesehatan nomor HK.02.01/MENKES/199/2020 tentang Komunikasi Penanganan Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19).
Dalam surat edaran tersebut terdapat pula Protokol Komunikasi Publik, Protokol di Area dan Transportasi Publik, Protokol di Area Institusi Pendidikan, Protokol di Pintu Masuk Wilayah Indonesia (Bandara, Pelabuhan, Pos Lintas Batas Daerah/Negara), dan Protokol dalam Lingkup Khusus Pemerintahan.
Surat Edaran ini dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan dukungan dan kerja sama lintas sektor dan Pemerintah Daerah dalam menghadapi ancaman wabah COVID-19, sehingga masyarakat tenang dan mendapatkan pemahaman mengenai hal-hal yang harus dilakukan bagi lingkungan terdekatnya.
Protokol tersebut akan dilaksanakan di seluruh Indonesia oleh pemerintah dengan dipandu secara terpusat oleh Kementerian Kesehatan.
Hotline Virus Corona 119 ext 9. Berita ini disiarkan oleh Biro Komunikasi dan Pelayanan Masyarakat, Kementerian Kesehatan RI. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi nomor hotline Halo Kemenkes melalui nomor hotline 1500-567, SMS 081281562620, faksimili (021) 5223002, 52921669, dan alamat email [email protected] (D2)
Kepala Biro Komunikasi dan Pelayanan Masyarakat
drg. Widyawati, MKM
Follow this Health Protocol if any Covid-19 symptoms arise
Jakarta, 16 March 2020
the Government of Indonesia has issued a Health Protocol, as the Corona virus or Covid-19 spreads to hundreds of countries. The protocol will be implemented by the Government throughout the nation with centralized guidance by the Ministry of Health.
The protocol was developed in consultation with all Ministries and Government agencies. Thus, the Ministry of Health does not work independent. The protocol is an embodiment of the government presence and preparedness to address the Covid-19.
The followings are the protocol:
1. Should feeling unwell and experiencing any of the followings:
a. Fever more than 38° C; and
b. Cough / cold / sore throat,
Please take an adequate rest at home and drink water sufficiently. Should any uncomfortable feeling, complaints continue, or experiencing breathing difficulties (shortness of breath or rapid breathing), immediately consult to a health care facility.
When visiting a health care facility, the following actions should be taken:
a. Wear a face mask.
b. Should no mask avail, follow the correct cough / sneeze etiquette by covering the mouth and nose with a tissue or into the upper sleeve of your shirt.
c. Avoid using mass transportation.
2. Health workers at the health facility will perform screening to COVID-19 patients under observation:
a. Should the patient meets the COVID-19 observation criteria, the patient will be referred to one of the referral hospitals,
b. Should the patient does not meet the criteria for the COVID-19 patient under observation, the patient will be hospitalized or treat as an outpatient subject to the doctor’s diagnoses and decisions.
3. Should the patient be sent to the the referral hospital using an ambulance, the accompanying health workers must be equipped with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
4. at the referral hospital, specimen will be taken from patient under the criteria for the COVID-19 patient under observation for laboratory test and the patient will be treated in an isolation room.
5. The Specimen will be sent to the National Institute for Health Research and Development (Balitbangkes).
The first test result will be completed within 24 hours after the specimen is received.
a. Should the result is positive:
I. The patient will be declared as a Positive COVID-19.
II. Samples will be taken every day.
III. Should the test of the sample results negative for Covid-19 2 (two) times in a row, then the Patient will be removed from the isolation room.
b. Should the result is negative,
The patient will be treated according to the cause of the disease.
For Healthy People with following conditions:
1. Should you have a history of travel to any country with local transmission of COVID-19 within a period of 14 days prior, perform self-monitoring through two times body temperature check. Should you experience any fever of more than 38° C or respiratory symptoms such as cough / cold / sore throat/ shortness of breath, Immediately consult to the health care facility.
2. Should you have been in contact with a positive COVID-19 confirmed case. Immediately report to a health worker and consult with your health care provider. Your specimen will be tested.
The Health Protocol is based on the Minister of Health Circulation Letter number HK.02.01/MENKES/ 199/2020 on Communication for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Control.
The Circulation Letter also consists of Public Communication Protocols, the Public Transportation and Area Protocols, the Educational Institutions Area Protocols, Indonesian Territory Point of Entry Protocols (Airports, Ports, Regional / State Border Posts), and the Special Scope of Government Protocols.
The purpose of the Circulation Letter is to increase support and cooperation across sectors and the Local Governments in addressing the threat of the COVID-19 outbreak, thus composure people and give better understanding of things that needs to be done for their surroundings.
The protocol will be implemented throughout the nation by the Government with centralized guidance by the Ministry of Health.
Corona Virus Hotline number 0215210411 / 081212123119. This news was broadcasted by the Bureau of Communication and Community Services, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. For more information, please contact the Halo Kemkes hotline number through the hotline number 1500-567, SMS 081281562620, facsimile (021) 5223002, 52921669, and email address [email protected]. (D2)
Director of the Bureau for Communication and Community Service
drg. Widyawati, MKM