Jakarta, 3 Maret 2020
Sesditjen Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Penyakit Kemenkes dr. Achmad Yurianto mengatakan kondisi kedua pasien sudah mulai membaik. Informasi tersebut ia dapatkan melalui sambungan telepon dengan Dirut RS Penyakit Infeksi Sulianto Saroso Mohammad Syahril.
“Kondisinya (kedua pasien positif Covid-19) lebih bagus daripada yang kemarin. Jadi sudah tanpa keluhan apapun tetapi masih harus tetap diisolasi karena confirm positif Covid-19,” katanya pada Konferensi Pers di Gedung Kemenkes, Jakarta, Selasa (3/3).
Sebelumnya, pada Senin (2/3) dr. Ahmad melihat langsung pasien tersebut bersama Menteri Kesehatan dr. Terawan Agus Putranto. Ia menceritakan salah satu pasien berusia 61 tahun suhu tubuhnya mencapai 37,5 derajat celcius dengan keluhan batuk. Pasien yang satunya lagi yakni putrinya berusia 31 tahun pun saat itu dalam kondisi baik
Secara detail, dr. Ahmad menjelaskan bahwa kedua pasien itu tinggal dalam satu rumah. Dalam satu rumah ada 4 orang, yakni ibu, 2 anak, dan satu pembantu. Yang tertular adalah anak yang ke dua dan sang ibu.
Pada tanggal 14 Februari sang anak berusia 31 tahun janji bertemu dengan teman-temannya dengan hobi yang sama untuk pesta dansa, ada sekira 50 orang yang ikut pesta tersebut dari berbagai negara. Dia berdansa dengan salah satu warga negara Jepang yang tinggal di Malaysia.
Pada tanggal 16 Februari dia mengeluhkan batuk, sedikit demam, dan lemas. Sejak itu dia berobat rawat jalan dan ditemani ibunya. Namun pada tanggal 20 Februari ibu nya ikut sakit yang akhirnya mereka memutuskan untuk dirawat di rumah sakit pada tanggal 26 Februari.
Tanggal 28 Februari salah satu teman dansa sang anak mengabarkan bahwa dirinya confirm positif Covid-19. Lantas sang anak langsung mengabarkan kepada dokter yang merewatnya dan dokter tersebut langsung memutuskan untuk memindahkan dia dan ibunya ke RS Sulianti Saroso.
“Maka selanjutnya yang harus dilakukan adalah contact tracing. Kami tahu alamat dan sebagainya terkait pasien. Kami meminta Dinkes setempat untuk melaksanakan contact tracing. Yang pertama adalah 2 orang yang serumah dengan pasien, dan hasilnya negatif tanpa keluhan apa-apa, pembantu dan kakanya sehat dan negatif,” kata dr. Ahmad.
Contact tracing terhadap teman-temannya yang ikut pesta dansa pun sedang dilakukan.
“Ini yang agak repot, karena tidak semuanya (peserta dansa) akrab dengan pasien dan tidak diketahui alamatnya. Kami sedang mencari dan meminta otoritas kesehatan dari pemerintah kesehatan untuk melakukan tracing,” katanya.
Hingga saat ini belum ditemukan seluruh peserta yang ikut pesta dansa karena tidak semuanya masih berada di Jakarta atau daerah sekitarnya. Namun sudah ada 2 orang yang ditemukan dan mereka tidak menunjukkan keluhan apapun, dan setiap peserta pesta dansa yang ditemukan akan menjadi Orang dalam Pemantauan.
Hotline Virus Corona 0215210411 / 081212123119. Berita ini disiarkan oleh Biro Komunikasi dan Pelayanan Masyarakat, Kementerian Kesehatan RI. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi nomor hotline Halo Kemkes melalui nomor hotline 1500-567, SMS 081281562620, faksimili (021) 5223002, 52921669, dan alamat email [email protected].(D2)
Kepala Biro Komunikasi dan Pelayanan Masyarakat
drg. Widyawati, MKM
The Condition of Two Patients Positive for Covid-19 is Improving
Jakarta, 3 March 2020
Secretary of the Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Achmad Yurianto, MD said that the condition of two patients positive for Covid-19 is improving. This information was obtained from direct phone call with the President Director of the Sulianti Saroso Disease Infection Hospital (RSPISS) Mohammad Syahril.
“Their condition (both patients positive for Covid-19) are improving than yesterday. They have dont have any complaints nor symptoms, but they still need to be isolated due to being confirmed positive for Covid-19,” he said on Press Conference in the Ministry of Health Building, Jakarta, Tuesday (3/3).
On Monday (2/3) dr. Ahmad had directly seen those patients along with the Minister of Health, dr. Terawan Agus Putranto. He informed that one of the patients, whom is 61 years old, had reached body temperature of 37,5 celcius degree with cough symptoms. The other patient, her 31-years-old daughter, was also in good condition at that moment.
In more detail, dr. Ahmad explained those patients are living together. There are four people in the house -the mother, her two grown up child and one house maid. The infected family members were the mother and her youngest daughter.
On February 14th, the 31-year-old daughter had an appointment to meet her friends for a dance party. There were around 50 people participated in the party from various countries. She danced with Japanese-living-in-Malaysia participant.
On February 16th, she complained about having cough, fever and feeling weakness. Since then, she had outpatient treatment, accompanied by her mother. However, on February 20th, her mother also becoming ill and they decided to be admitted as inpatients on February 26th.
On February 28th, one of the daughter dancing friends informed that he was confirmed positive for Covid-19. Then, the daughter directly told the doctor and it was decided to transfer her and her mother to the Sulianti Saroso Disease Infection Hospital (RSPISS).
“Further, ‘contact tracing’ needs to be carried out. We have the address and other information related to the patients. We requested the local Health District Office to conduct contact tracing. The first one traced was the other two family members of the patients, and it resulted negative without symptoms- the house maid and sibling were healthy and negative”, said dr. Ahmad.
Contact tracing were also conducted to friends who joined the dance party.
“It is quite complicated since not all (the dance participants) are well known with the patients and the address are unidentified. We are seeking and and have requested the health authority to conduct the tracing,” he said.
To date, not all dance participants have been identified due to some of them are not living in Jakarta nor nearby areas. However, there are two participants have been identified and did not show any symptoms, as well, every dance participant whom were found will be considered as people under observation.
Corona Virus Hotline number 0215210411 / 081212123119. This news was broadcasted by the Bureau of Communication and Community Services, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. For more information, please contact the Halo Kemkes hotline number through the hotline number 1500-567, SMS 081281562620, facsimile (021) 5223002, 52921669, and email address [email protected]. (D2)
Director of the Bureau for Communication and Community Service
drg. Widyawati, MKM