Invitation issued by : The Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia as the Implementing Agency
Name of Proposed Project : Strengthening Indonesia’s Healthcare Referral Network (SIHREN), Strengthening of Primary Healthcare in Indonesia (SOPHI), and the Indonesia – Public Laboratory System Strengthening (InPULS) Project Components
Country : Indonesia
- The Ministry of Health (MoH) is the Implementing Agency for the Strengthening Indonesia’s Healthcare Referral Network (SIHREN), Strengthening of Primary Healthcare in Indonesia (SOPHI), and the Indonesia – Public Laboratory System Strengthening (InPULS) Project Components totaling at around US$4 billion.
- The SIHREN, SOPHI, and InPULS components aim to fill critical medical and laboratory equipment gaps, including accessories and consumables, in all public health and laboratory facilities across Indonesia’s over 6,500 inhabited islands, including over 560 public referral hospitals, public health laboratories and 10,000 Puskesmas and Pustu (public community health centers at subdistrict and village level) and ensure adequate and sustainable operation and maintenance of this equipment upon installation.
- Following the successful 1st Vendor Conference held in Jakarta on September 29, 2023, MoH invites potential bidders to engage in the 2nd vendor conference to be held on Tuesday November 7, 2023 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., WIB (GMT +7).
- This 2nd Vendor Conference will outline details of procurement arrangements under the proposed project, including proposed payment terms, bid evaluation criteria, mechanisms, and timelines, packaging, and technical specifications, among other proposed terms to be captured in the bidding These cut across the three Components, SIHREN, SOPHI, and InPULS. Potential bidders are encouraged to provide feedback, both during the conference as well as through the various dedicated platforms that have been provided.
- Interested vendors are required to register for attendance through the RSVP form available on the following link by November 5, 2023 cob GMT +7. Please ensure completion of all relevant details. Upon registration, attendees will be sent details for the hybrid vendor conference.
- A follow up questionnaire will be provided, seeking inputs and responses from potential bidders related to payment terms, bid evaluation criteria, delivery, installation, operation, warranty and maintenance of the equipment, among others. The link to the questionnaire will be available in the RSVP form.
- Vendors are expected to complete the follow-up vendor questionnaire mentioned above before Attendance in-person will be prioritized to those who fully complete the questionnaire, with a maximum of up to two participants per vendor, on a first-come, first-serve basis until room capacity has been reached All registered attendees, including those who did not (fully) complete the vendor questionnaire, can still join via video link, which will be sent upon registration.
- Vendors also have the opportunity to submit questions through this following link
- The project is to be co-financed by three Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), the World Bank, Asian Development Bank (ADB), and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). It is also financed by Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) through parallel financing. The World Bank acts as the coordinating agency of the of the MDBs.
- The address referred to above is :
- Procurement Bureau, Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia Dr. Sujudi 14th Floor, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 Kav. 4-9 Jakarta Telp :+62 21 52921482 ext 1233 and 1360
- Contact :
- Phone (Whatsapp) : +62 82240166289 (Weekdays, office hours)
- Email: [email protected]
- FAQ :
- Venue :
Auditorium dr. Herman Susilo, MPH – Ditjen Tenaga Kesehatan, Jl. Hang Jebat III Blok F3, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12120